Visby Suede
November 23, 2018 11:11 amIn the 1930s, Visby and Gotland poured a lot of energy (and money) trying to attract tourists from France to villes des ruines et des roses. And who wouldn’t want to visit a city with such a romantic name?
In the 1930s, Visby and Gotland poured a lot of energy (and money) trying to attract tourists from France to villes des ruines et des roses. And who wouldn’t want to visit a city with such a romantic name?
“Wisby Die Stadt Der Ruinen und Der Rosen”. The medival town of Visby is filled with roses and ruins, and of course this is seen in many of the posters from Visby. The city is the best-preserved medieval city in the Nordic countries, and among the most notable historical remains are the town wall, that […]
The sea, the sky, the boat steering towards the lcity surrounded by the yellow fields. For many of us this is excactly how we see Visby when we close our eyes. Erik Ölmebo definitely knew what he was doing when making this poster!