January 17, 2024 9:38 am
Published by magnuslonden
The City Hall in Stockholm is one of many iconic buildings in the Swedish capital. The construction, built in National Romantic style, began in 1911 and the opening was held on Midsummer Eve in 1923. It is the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet and is one of Stockholm’s major tourist attractions. In this dazzling […]
February 15, 2023 2:30 pm
Published by magnuslonden
In this vintage travel poster advertising Sweden the message is clear: Sweden is truly a country of colors AND contrasts. It was published in the 1950s in an effort to create a Scandinavian series of almost identical travel posters for Denmark, Sweden and (most probably) also Norway. As you can see in the poster: people […]
January 30, 2023 6:42 am
Published by magnuslonden
When the Finnish poster artist Erik Bruun (born 1926) was given the job to attract passengers to the ferry traffic between Stockholm and Helsinki/Turku he put on his thinking cap. What about the trip is so appealing? He soon realizes the answer: A day of luxury. And what could be more luxurious that the smorgasbord? […]
January 13, 2023 6:10 pm
Published by magnuslonden
There certainly is a nice timeless atmosphere in this poster by Per Beckman. Who wouldn’t want to crawl into the cabin in this mountain landscape where the roof is made of grass and even a small birch has taken root? The chimney suggests warmth and cosiness after a day trip up the fell that stands […]
January 11, 2023 9:53 am
Published by magnuslonden
In this vintage travel poster advertising Suécia – Sweden – in Portugese the message is clear: Sweden is truly a country of colors AND contrasts. It was published in the 1950s in an effort to create a Scandinavian series of almost identical travel posters for Denmark, Sweden and (most probably) also Norway. As you can […]
October 6, 2022 5:06 pm
Published by magnuslonden
Denmark is sooo much. Also in German! When the Danish artist Laus Lauesen wanted to create a poster for Denmark, he made a collage – in a quirky way. The figures look sure like they are thoroughly enjoying whatever they are doing in Denmark. The poster hunters at Come to Sweden have found a twin […]
August 24, 2022 2:03 pm
Published by magnuslonden
Always remember to save Energy! That’s the slogan in Swedish in this beautiful vintage poster. Today, the poster is more relevant than ever. With this beautiful poster on your wall you’ll never again forget to turn off the lights. The poster is also a perfect gift. Spread the message and save energy – vintage style!
December 10, 2020 2:39 pm
Published by magnuslonden
Already at the last turn of the century, Saltsjöbaden stood for a salty call for leisure and outdoor life – only half an hour from the stressful life of the city. A perfect day trip! In 1891 at the age of 38 Knut Wallenberg, prominent bankman and politician, bought large areas of untouched land in […]
August 31, 2020 12:55 pm
Published by emiliahytonen
This poster from Blekinge, Sweden’s second smallest county, has the slogan “Sveriges trädgård”, that translates to “the garden of Sweden”. And the county really lives up to that slogan! Despite its small size, Blekinge offers a lot for nature lovers – here we can find dense oak forests, hidden beaches, over 100 nature reserves and […]
June 11, 2020 2:42 pm
Published by magnuslonden
You know we love travel posters with our whole hearts, but did you know that the poster hunter also keeps other treasures, such as propaganda posters, in his archives? Since the prohibition period, efforts have been made to work for sobriety with the help of posters. The dangers of liquor have traditionally been warned by […]