Night Train by Ida Iivonen

Night Train by Ida Iivonen

Originally published 2022
Night Train by Ida Iivonen

3rd place in the My Norden Poster poster contest 2022!

In the words of the artist:

I came by the idea by while waiting at the bus stop writing down different creative ways one could travel around specifically in the Nordics. I chose northern lights as a motif since they can be seen in more than just one of the Nordic countries and I thought that trains and northern lights could have a similar shape language to play with.

Surely travel posters can’t simply remain a cry from the past?

Absolutely not. We live in a completely visual world where the picture is stronger than ever. That’s why the following question hit us: How would contemporary artists depict the Nordics of today?

We could not let that thought go! So in 2022 we arranged the international travel poster contest My Norden Poster.

So now the Nordics – Norden – once again attracts travellers with glamour and cries of joy from paradise. With the help of the travel poster!